What will you learn too late in life?

Life is like an ice cream enjoy it before it melts .

Don't express your opinion in front of person who is arrogant stupid and never listens other .

Stick firmly to one thing at a time, don't mix things as to create mess.

Ignore toxic people and try to make friends who have similar goals like you.

Everyone suffers in life , so when it's your turn don't panic .

Work Hard don't waste time . Time is precious .

Help the needy not the greedy .

Never let the inner child die inside you.

Be social but don't waste time .

Forget the past and believe in present and future

Believe in yourself and be a tough person.

Eat healthy food . Later you will suffer from different problems if eating habit is not good.

Travel at least to a new place every year.

Study whatever you like to study .

Be happy , work and believe, Your moon will shine bright.

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