“You’ve got to have rules to live by, and one of mine is always say yes. Put yourself in danger of something amazing happening to you.” —Tom Bilyeu
Being able to be the “Best version of yourself” is what defines real success and irrespective of how good your life is, true satisfaction is derived from the tiny improvements that you make each day.
After all, who doesn’t love feeling a positive change in oneself?
Here’s a list of the best self-improvement tips that you can implement in every aspect of your life in order to be an improved version of yourself:
- Put Pressure on yourself: Motivate yourself into action, none will do it for you. Become your own Cheerleader
- Upgrade your key skills: The more knowledgeable and skilled you become, getting things done becomes easier.
- Take it one step a time: It’s easy to accomplish a complicated job if you just complete it one step at a time.
- Stop the loop of overthinking: Don’t be the person who thinks about the overthinking and waste their time in regret of wasting time.
- Get rid of your Victim Mentality: Yes, some bad thing occurred to you but it’s you who is still repeating it as a loop in your mind. The soon you get rid of such thoughts the more peaceful your life will be.
- Ignore the toxic ones: Sometimes you can’t get rid of the toxic ones if they are your own family members. But you can choose to ignore their hurtful words. It’s better their words won’t impact you so that you won’t stay in a loop of emotional and mental harassment/torture.
- What others think: Unfortunately, this habit of “worrying about what other people think” is hard to shake. "Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” Once you stop worrying about needing others’ approval, people will naturally gravitate towards you. Because you appear to be confident.