1. You don't need to need to explain yourself to anyone start living for yourself not for others and explain yourself to impress others.
2. Comfort zone will destroy your life. Life starts at the end of the comfort zone.
3. Your family and friends only can support you in some cases but you have to do yourself to reach your goal.
4. Happiness doesn't come from sleeping, relaxing and ragging on social media. True happiness comes when you give your best in your life.
5. The fewer people you chill with, the fewer tension you have to deal with.
6. Life is too short to become angry and to seek revenge on those who did wrong to you. Just let it go and forget what they have done to you.
7. It's never too early or late to do the things you have always wanted to do.
8. No one cares unless you are rich, beautiful or popular.
9. Readers and leaders never stop reading and learning new things.
10. No matter how much we try, some situations are not in our control.
11. Don't believe everything you hear and see on social media. Be curious if you have any questions and ask them directly.
12. It's not important to know who likes you and who doesn't like you. What matters is how you look at yourself.