When your bad times come, you must endure a lot, and your life becomes very challenging.
If you believe in your ability, then nothing can spoil you.
When you are not doing right in your life, you get to hear a lot from people, remember you don't have to answer people in the same language, have some patience and wait for the right time.
We must have mental strength as equal as we need physical fitness, which is necessary for us, if we are mentally strong then we can do a lot. That is why we should always maintain our mental balance.
The biggest disease for us is what people will say. We should completely eliminate this thing from our hearts and minds. Today, those who are telling us badly, if tomorrow we do well, then all those people will start following us.
We should believe in ourselves, no matter what people say about us, and we should not listen to anyone. Because the day you stop believing in yourself, understand that you are not going to do anything in your life.
We need to control our emotions and anger. The hallmark of a great person is that he keeps himself patient.
Life is like long innings of cricket. Start with small innings, you will be able to play longer, if you start showing aggression in the beginning, then the chances of falling will be very high.
Always remember two people in life, the one who supported you in your difficulties and the one who left you when you were in trouble.
Remember, most people will always try to push you back or like to see you as a failure, you will have to surpass those people with your ability.
Sometimes there will come a moment in life when you will feel that you are tired and lost, remember that you're one step forward can take you towards your success. And you're one step backwards can make you a failure forever.